Save the memorial! – Letter of protest / July 2024

An das Eisenbahn-Bundesamt
Außenstelle Berlin
Steglitzer Damm 117
12169 Berlin

23rd July 2024


914 Unterschriften

Subject: Objections to the S21 Nordringanbindung planning approval procedure – Memorial to the Murdered Sinti and Roma of Europe

Dear Sir, dear Madame, to whom it may concern,

We protest against the construction project of the S21 Nordringanbindung as presented in the planning documents published on 27 May 2024. The plans reveal evident, devastating, irreversible damage to the Memorial to the Murdered Sinti and Roma of Europe, situated in the Tiergarten. 
The building project violates the integrity and dignity of this important memorial. The suggested intervention is an insult to remembrance and to the value of memory. Furthermore, the very concept of the suggested construction project, exposes a politically scandalous failure of the culture of remembrance in Germany. 

For the Sinti and Roma in Europe and worldwide, the memorial in Berlin is a symbolic grave for their relatives murdered under National Socialism. For them, the memorial is the central place of mourning and remembrance. It was created by Dani Karavan, one of the most important international sculptors and environmental artists.

It was commissioned by the German state after a long struggle by the Sinti and Roma community and was finally inaugurated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other politicians in 2012. Since then it has served as a memorial to the 500,000 murdered Sinti and Roma in Europe during the Nazi era. It is of great national, historical and moral significance and is intended to last for posterity.

It is therefore scandalous that merely 12 years after its inauguration, the memorial is to be massively damaged by the construction of a suburban railway for Berlin. The Federal Republic of Germany has a political and moral responsibility to commemorate the victims of National Socialism. It is the moral responsibility of all German institutions not only to remember the victims of the crimes of the Nazi era, but also to maintain all places of remembrance and protect them from vandalism.

It is incompatible with this moral obligation that the central place of remembrance for the murdered Sinti and Roma of Europe is now treated with such disrespect. Nobody would ever consider tempering with the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Cora-Berliner-Straße. Clearly, the memorial to the Sinti and Roma merita the same degree of respect. 

Numerous institutions, associations, memorial sites and members of the public have repeatedly pointed out, including in an open letter dated 23 October 2023 , that the ancient trees surrounding the water basin are an essential element of the memorial. The memorial is not just the water basin, but the entire contest in which it is nested. This is obvious to anyone who visits the memorial. 

From the very beginning, the memorial was designed specifically for this site in its current form and surroundings. Anyone involved in the planning of the S-Bahn route can find this out by familiarising themselves with the history of this memorial. However, it seems that Deutsche Bahn and the Berlin Senate do not value or understand this aspect of the memorial.

For the late environmental artist Karavan, the trees that visually and acoustically enclose the water basin were the explicit prerequisite for creating this memorial, as can be seen from his designs. Karavan had always vehemently protested against the plans of this suburban railway line and threatened to personally protect the monument from the construction excavators. 

His widow Hava Karavan and his daughters are appalled that these plans are about to be approved and executed after his death. 

Apparently, it is also planned to dig and run a tunnel under the memorial. According to current plans, the tunnel would run just one meter below the memorial site. Therefore, newly planted, mature trees that could have replaced the felled ones would never be able to establish deep roots and reach the same height as their predecessors. Thus the memorial is destined to suffer irreversible damage. 

In addition, the vibrations caused by every passing suburban train would be clearly noticeable, so the memorial will lose its serene quality of a place dedicated to meditation and contemplation. Furthemore, the long-term damage that this could cause to the water basin has not been investigated so far. 

According to the plans submitted, the memorial would be restricted on three sides by an open construction area during the long-term construction phase. Presumably, the glass elements in the entrance area would also have to be removed. 

The construction work would also visually and acoustically disfigure the monument for many years. Dust, dirt and noise would massively disrupt the memorial. The music associated with the memorial, composed and played by Romeo Franz, a descendant of victims of National Socialism, would no longer be audible during the entire construction phase. 

Some very disturbing questions arise when a place that was conceived to preserve a memory, is intended to be subjected to the hazards of forgetfulness. 

We are therefore calling for an alternative route for the construction of the S 21 motorway that leaves the memorial untouched. 

First signees:

Hava Karavan, Witwe von Dani Karavan

Noa Karavan, Tochter von Hava und Dani Karavan

Tamar Karavan, Tochter von Hava und Dani Karavan

Yael Karavan, Tochter von Hava und Dani Karavan

Uwe Neumärker, Direktor Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas

Jana Mechelhoff-Herezi, Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas

Hamze Bytyçi, RomaTrial

Veronika Patočková, RomaTrial

Daniel Strauß, RomnoKher

Romeo Franz, Generalsekretär Bundesvereinigung der Sinti und Roma

Alexandra Senfft, Autorin

Further Signees

Wim Wenders

Donata Wenders

Wolfgang Benz, Historiker, emeritierter Professor der TU Berlin, ehemaliger Leiter des Zentrums für Antisemitismusforschung

Oliver Sears, Director, Holocaust Awareness Ireland

Catherine Punch, Holocaust Awareness Ireland

Samson Munn, Fulbright Specialist in Peace and Reconciliation Studies USA, Founder of The Austrian Encounter, Sohn von Holocaust-Überlebenden

Susanne Goodman, Vorstand, Freies Musikzentrum München

Brigitte Eggenhofer, Vorstand, Freies Musikzentrum München

Silke Siebert, Vorstand, Freies Musikzentrum München

Felix Büchner, Geschäftsführer, Freies Musikzentrum München

Candice Breitz, Artist, Berlin

Frank Dabba Smith, Emeritus Rabbi, London, UK

Judah Passow, Fotograf, London UK

Antonie Grumbach, Architekt, Frankreich

Sebastian Barry, Schriftsteller, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, Honorary Fellow, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Agnes Vince, State architect & urban planner, director of Coastal Conservatory, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Frankreich

Adrienne Goehler, Senatorin für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Kultur a.D.

Brian Klug, PHD, University of Oxford, UK

Kei Horikoshi, director, Spatial Design & Art Co., Japan

Reva Klein, London, UK

Gereon Sievernich, ehemaliger Direktor des Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin

Annette Simon, Psychoanalytikerin, Berlin

Christoph Brockhaus, Kunsthistoriker, ehemaliger Direkt des Wilhelm Lembruch Museum, Duisburg

Inge Kroll, Präsidium Lagergemeinschaft Dachau, Tochter eines politisch NS-Verfolgten

Irmgard Wilfuhr, Präsidium Lagergemeinschaft Dachau

Sybille Ellinger-Weber, Vorstand Arbeitskreis für Intergenerationelle Folgen des Holocaust, PAKH, Köln

Phil-Gordan Zameit, Vorstand Arbeitskreis für Intergenerationelle Folgen des Holocaust, PAKH, Köln

Renée Bertrams, kooptiertes Vorstandsmitglied, Arbeitskreis für Intergenerationelle Folgen des Holocaust, PAKH, Köln

Anja Königseder, kooptiertes Vorstandsmitglied, Arbeitskreis für Intergenerationelle Folgen des Holocaust, PAKH, Köln

Eve Rosenhaft, Professor Emerita of German Historical Studies, University of Liverpool, UK

Cilly Kugelmann, freie Ausstellungskuratorin, Berlin

Joke van der Leeuw-Roord, Founder and Special Advisor EuroClio, the International Association of History, Heritage and Citizenship Educators, The Hague, NL

Claude Mollard, Project Manager of Dani Karavan’s Axe Majeur, Cergy Pontoise

Lena Inowlocki, Soziologin, apl. Prof Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Jack Lang, Kulturminister a.D., Präsident des Arab World Institute, Paris, Frankreich

Lech Majewski, Filmemacher, Polen

Peter Pogany-Wnendt, 1. Vorsitzender des Arbeitskreises für Intergenerationelle Folgen des Holocaust, PAKH, Nachkommen von Holocaust-Opfern und -überlebenden, Köln

Ian F. Hancock, OBE, FRSA, Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, former member of the US Holocaust Memorial Council, USA

Sonia Simmenauer, Künstleragentin und Salonière vom Jüdischen Salon Berlin

Klaus Schultz, Mitglied des Präsidiums der Lagergemeinschaft Dachau

Debórah Dwork, MPH, PhD, Director, Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity, The Graduate Center—City University of New York, USA

Sara Roy, PHD, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, USA

Jean-Jacques Neuer, Counsel of the Picasso Administration, Brancusi Estate, Yves Klein Estate, Arman Estate, the Giacometti Foundation, Paris, Frankreich

Monika Rydiger, Kunsthistorikerin und Kuratorin, International Cultural Centre Krakau, Polen

Bartłomiej Struzik, Vice-rector for cooperation, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, Krakau, Polen

Franzi Sessler, Präsidium der Lagergemeinschaft Dachau, Urenkelin von politisch verfolgten Widerstandskämpfern

Michael Rothberg, Professor of English, Comparative Literature, and Holocaust Studies, UCLA, USA

Christopher Vila, Lagergemeinschaft Dachau e.V., Stiftungsrat Europäische Holocaustgedenkstätte Stiftung e.V.

Gregor Gysi

Walter Venedey, Berlin

Zoni Weiz, Überlebender des Völkermords an Sinti und Roma, Niederlande

Anish Kapoor, Künstler, London, UK

Pilar Parcerisas, Präsident, „Angelus Novus“ Foundation, Portbou, Barcelona, Spanien

Kelly Laubinger, Co-Vorsitzende Bundesvereinigung Sinti und Roma

Henny Engels, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Helmut Metzner, Geschäftsführender Vorstand der Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld

Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk, Historiker

Klaus Lederer, MdA, Bürgermeister und Senator a.D.

Wolfram Stender, Professor der Soziologie, Hochschule Hannover, Mitglied der ehemaligen Unabhängigen Kommission Antiziganismus 

Elizabeta Jonuz, Professorin der Soziologe, Hochschule Hannover, Mitglied der ehemaligen Unabhängigen Kommission Antiziganismus

Michel Jaouën, Architekt, urban planner, Präsident der „Association Axe Majeur de Cergy-Pontoise”, Frankreich

Astrid Messerschmidt, Professorin der Erziehungswissenschaften, Wuppertal, Mitglied der ehemaligen Unabhängigen Kommission Antiziganismus

Silas Kropf, Mitglied der ehemaligen Unabhängigen Kommission Antiziganismus

Lukas Welz, Vorstandsvorsitzender AMCHA Deutschland e.V.

Agnes Krumwiede, MdB a.D.

Klaus Jetz LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Tadayasu Sakai Kunstkritiker

Bürgermeister Marcus König, Bürgermeister von Nürnberg

Werner Konitzer, Professor der Philosophie, Berlin

Sabin Tambrea, Schauspieler

Gaby dos Santos, Bloggerin und Medien Künstlerin, PR-Vertreterin von Madhouse KULTUR der Sinti und Roma, München

Alexander Diepold, Geschäftsführer, Hildegard Lagrenne Stiftung, Mannheim

Ursula Krechel, Schriftstellerin, Berlin

Sven Edthofer, Kunsttherapeut, Berlin

Björn Thielebein, stellv. Landesvorsitzender Die Linke Berlin, Mitglied der Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Marzahn-Hellersdorf 

Mikhaylo Tyaglyy,research associate at the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, Kyjiw, Ukraine

Manja Schuecker-Weiss, Vorstandsmitglied Bundesvereinigung der Sinti und Roma, Frauen Initiative „Sorle Phenja“ 

Ulrich Floßdorf, Montessori Fachkraft, Aldo Rivera Diplompsychologe, Madhouse München

Leah Carola Czollek, Leiterin des Instituts Social Justice und Radical Diversity

Gudrun Perko, Professorin, Fachhochschule Potsdam

Michaela Kobsa-Mark, Filmemacherin

Jan Grabowski, Historiker; Professor, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa, Kanada

Friedrich Veitl, Verleger, Metropol Verlag, Berlin

Dr. Tatjana Holter, Berlin

Aleida Assmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. Hc.Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Universität Konstanz

Colum McCann, Schriftsteller, Irland

Robert Abzug,Holocaust scholar, Prof. emeritus professor of history at the University of Texas, USA
Mario Franz, Geschäftsführer, Niedersächsische Beratungsstelle für Sinti und Roma e.V. 

Lavinia Reinke,Geschäftsführerin Tony – Die Agentur GbR

Kathrin Ast,Geschäftsführerin Tony – Die Agentur GbR

Amdrïta Jakupi, Psychotherapeutin, Vorstandsvorsitzende safe space e.V Köln

Tatja Seibt, Schauspielerin, Berlin

Angelica Hilsebein, Historikerin, Berlin

Mara Geri, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Jörg Hutter, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Mikhail Tumasov, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Philipp Braun, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Patrick Dörr, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Tim Stefaniak, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Alva Träbert, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Erik Jödecke, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Alexander Vogt, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Julia Monro, Bundesvorstand LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.

Angelika Kollacks, Musiktherapeutin, Missionsschwester, Berlin

Michaela Bank, Rentnerin und Dipl. Betriebswirtin, Missionsschwester, Berlin

Thekla Schönfeld, Lehrerin für Sonderpädagogik, Missionsschwester, Berlin

Monika Ballani, Sozialarbeiterin, Referentin für Menschen mit Behinderung, Missionsschwester, Berlin

Margot Papenheim, Berlin

Cornelia Kalz, Berlin

Antje Kunst, Berlin

Vera Reichmann, Nichte von Zilli Schmidt, Überlebende des Völkermords an den Sinti und Roma Europas

Daniel Buren, Künstler

Marianne Arndt, Berlin

Georg Hörnschemeyer, Vorsitzender Gedenkstätten Gestapokeller [im Schloss Osnabrück] und Augustaschacht e.V.

Sabine Speiser, Vorstand des Flüchtlingsrats Berlin

Bernadette Kern, Berlin

Matthias Kern, Berlin

Heike Ruppender, Berlin

Carol Höllenreiner für Mano Höllenreiner, Überlebender des Völkermords an den Sinti und Roma Europas

Else Höllenreiner, Mettenheim

Frank Brendle, Geschäftsführer Bildungswerk für Erinnerungsarbeit und Frieden

Murat Dikenci, Dramaturg und Regisseur Maxim Gorki Theater

Marlo Thormann, Geschäftsführer Sinti Union Schleswig-Holstein

Jörg Heiser, Institut für Kunst im Kontext, Universität der Künste Berlin

Hristo Kyuchukov, Prof., Dr., Schlesische Universität Kattowitz, Polen

Kenan Emini, Vorsitzender Roma Center Göttingen

Max Czollek, Autor, Kurator Coalition for Pluralistic Publik Discourse

Anselm Kiefer, Künstler